As a healer and hype-woman by nature,
my goal as a Spiritual Life Coach is to create an understanding and safe container for clients to explore their inner feelings, thoughts, and beliefs so they can reframe their perspective and take inspired action towards a more aligned and fulfilling life.

I serve my clients best through my commitment to my own self-development, healing, and happiness.
When one of us shines brighter, the whole world lightens up.



I’m a forever student and observer of human behavior. As long as I can remember, I’ve been curious about the human experience - people’s actions, motivations, suffering, and their joy. This curiosity led me to study Psychology and Sociology in college so I could help others overcome challenges and heal.

While pursuing my Bachelor’s in Psychology, I recognized the Western perspective of the mind and behavior wasn’t enough to understand the complexity of our pain and the purpose of our existence.

So in 2013 I began my Spiritual Journey to find the answers, and ultimately to heal my pain. I started practicing Yoga, Journaling, Meditating, and studying Astrology. These practices helped slow down my mind and expand my awareness, and continue to support my growth today. I shifted from victimhood into active creator by taking ownership over my life.

I continue to practice expressing more authenticity, self-love, forgiveness, and sovereignty in my everyday life. And I’ve committed myself to help others do the same.


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    Life Coach

    I’m a certified Spiritual Life Coach through the Life Purpose Institute. I began my life coach training summer of 2022, and completed my certification in January 2023.

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    Self-taught, I began my astrology studies as a tool of self-discovery and acceptance in 2014. I’ve been guiding students and clients with the knowledge and wisdom of Astrology since 2021.

  • B.A. in Psychology

    I earned my Psychology Degree in 2013 from UW-Milwaukee and minored in Sociology. I worked in a Psychology clinic on campus helping those with Anxiety Disorders.

  • Space Holder

    Trained as a qualified Space-Holder through SHOLDER in 2022. I love creating a supportive and reflective space on this platform to help others find the answers within.

  • Reiki Practitioner

    Reiki Level 3 Attuned and Certified, I’ve been receiving and practicing Reiki since 2019 and use is as a healing modality to balance, cleanse, and charge the energetic body.

  • Yoga Teacher

    I’ve been a yoga practitioner since 2013, and graduated from the Vital Wisdom School of Yoga with my 200 hour certificate in the Spring of 2024



Book a complimentary, 30 minute call with me to see if we align!