My job is to guide you back to your inner Truth.

Life is a beautiful, yet complex, unfolding journey of self-discovery and expansion as we return back to our true home of Love that is found within. Many of us have been led to believe the answers to our fulfillment lie in the external - the job, home, partner, material belongings, and approval of others. These lies leave us constantly spinning our wheels, working so hard to attain relief from the gnawing feeling inside asking us… when will I be enough? How will I find my happiness? Why is this happening to me? Who can I blame for being stuck in these limitations that I face? Many people and products will claim to be the answer to your deepest, plaguing questions. But the truth is,

The Answers are already inside of you.

You’ve been giving away the keys to your inner power. It’s time to call your power back. As your Coach I’m here to empower, inspire, and reflect back to you your own limitless potential. You have everything you’re looking for within. It may be buried, blocked, or bruised, but I know that you have the power to overcome and the ability to access all of the Love, Abundance, and Peace this life has got to offer. I am simply a mirror reflecting back to you how far you have come and how far it is you desire to go. Really, we are all mirrors for each other, guiding one another back home to our truth and Love. Being of service to you on your journey is my deepest truth and joy. Whether you need inspiration, support, or accountability, I've got your back. With my full attention and presence I will hold a safe space for your healing and growth.


  • KNOW

    Radical Honesty and Openness

  • OWN

    Claim Your Happiness

  • GROW

    Learn From the Past
    Educate Yourself
    Shift Your Perspective


    Show up, Shine out
    Radiate Confidence
    Share your Light with the World

My vision is to create a paradigm where we are all aligned to our highest selves and truth,
confident in sharing our unique light and gifts with the world.
I believe in a world where shared higher consciousness builds a brighter collective future.

What it feels like to work with me

Feel seen, heard, and understood across all levels.

My coaching is dedicated to creating the space that you need to uncover the answers to your core truth. Together, we will curiously and open-mindedly explore your purpose, goals, dreams, obstacles, and opportunities for healing–laying the foundation for your path to change.

Gain clarity on yourself, your life path, and how to embody your truth.

My approach harnesses astrology and coaching to help you release any blockages that are keeping you from your core truth. We’ll work together to overcome these obstacles and clear the path to your truest self.

Step into greater radical self-acceptance, self-love, and self-confidence.

Acceptance, love, and confidence in your ability will be instrumental in creating sustainable change in your life. Our healing work will strengthen your relationship to yourself so that you can stay the course in achieving your dreams.

Feel supported and held accountable in creating the authentic, aligned life that you love.

I’ll work with you to create a tailored coaching plan for achieving the goals that are aligned to your truest essence. I’ll be by your side every step of the way in pursuit of your dream–helping you continue onward to the transformation you know you’re meant for.

You will walk away with…

More self-acceptance | You will feel more accepting of your past, your present, your strengths, your limitations, and of who you ARE at the deepest levels of your being.

More alignment | You will have a tailored action plan to step into your highest self and devoted support and accountability to help you every step of the way. You will bridge the gap between who you are now and who you want to be.

More peace | You will learn and practice tools to help with emotional-regulation, boundary setting, spiritual connection, and intuition expansion.

More purpose | You will unlock the things that light you up in your life, career, and relationships and will integrate more fulfillment and excitement into your daily life in the most fun of ways.

More integrity | You will build a deeper relationship of trust with yourself as you follow through and commit yourself to change. You will integrate your values and beliefs with how you show up in the world.


  • "Sarah's approach to coaching and astrology is unique, refreshing, and simply joyful. She has a gift for making spirituality feel accessible and fun, too! Her personalized birth chart readings and weekly 1:1 coaching sessions were always a highlight of my week, and I learned so much about myself and my potential through working with her. Through working with Sarah, I feel more inspired and empowered than ever before. If you're looking for a fun, bright, and spiritual approach to coaching and manifesting your desires, I highly recommend working with Sarah; she is truly a ray of sunshine in the coaching world! Thank you, Sarah, for helping me transform my life in such a beautiful way!"

    —Brittany G, Coaching Course Client

  • I wasn't quite sure what to expect from life coaching, but I experienced more than what I could've imagined. I was in awe of Sarah's ability to lead and guide me to the answers within. We uncovered hidden obstacles, created action items and expanded my perspective in a way that could only be reached within a supportive and intuitively guided container. The best way I can describe it is after spinning my wheels on certain issues for quite some time, I finally felt I had insight on what's holding me back and most importantly, the traction to move forward. Each session was a gift as I walked away feeling clearer and empowered. Thank you Sarah!

    —Courtney R, Life Coaching Client

  • “I had my first ever chart reading with Sarah and while I expected to have a great experience, I was truly blown away by it and her insights far exceeded my expectations. She really knows what she is talking about and her knowledge combined with her genuine enthusiasm and warmth made me feel so understood and seen. I left our session with immense clarity about what I should focus on and prioritize in order to live a more prosperous and abundant life. If you're looking to have your birth chart read, do yourself a huge favor and book a session with Sarah!”

    - Dara P, Astrology Client